The Story of Shipra and Saurav

Saurav Gosh is now 33 years old and works at an NGO called Ishwar in Delhi, where he is part of a team that educates young children from poor socio-economic and educational backgrounds. Saurav is deafblind and grew up at a time when there was only one school in the country that specialized in the education of people who are deafblind.

Shipra Gosh, his mother, speaks of her journey, searching for services for her son, with the single minded goal to make him independent. She speaks of the choices she faced, ensuring Saurav's education, while balancing the needs of her family. Shipra's advocacy resulted in starting the second school in the country for children who are deafblind at NAB Delhi. Shipra educated herself and constantly worked to support her son's progress, reached out to other families and children and over time became a qualified special educator herself.

Shipra concludes her story describing with pride and happiness, the capable, friendly, young adult Saurav has grown into,  independent, social and loving. Today, he lives a balanced life, with work and leisure, socialization and responsibilities to others.