Join Us in Empowering the Deaf-Blind Community: Volunteer and Support Opportunities with SEDB India

Empowering the Deaf-Blind Community: How You Can Make a Difference with SEDB India

**About Us**

The Society for The Empowerment of The Deaf-Blind (SEDB) India is a young organization, founded by individuals with deafblindness. Our mission is to advocate for the rights of persons with deafblindness and empower them through education, information sharing, technology, skill development, and employment.

**Our Story**

We, Lion Sunil Abbas and Mr. Zamir Dhale, were both born with acute deafness and later experienced vision loss. Having studied at different schools for the deaf and worked together, we are now committed to ensuring that our community receives the recognition and support it needs. Our goal is to create facilities and provisions that enable individuals with deafblindness to live independent lives.

**Our Mission**

At SEDB India, our mission is to advocate for the rights of persons with deafblindness. We strive to gain official recognition of our disabilities to bring about positive change, ensuring that others in our community can lead fulfilling and complete lives.

**How You Can Help**

We are currently seeking volunteers in Mumbai, Nasik, Pune, and Bangalore. We need individuals with various skills, including:

– Communication: Assisting with written and spoken communication in English and other languages.
– Workshops: Conducting workshops for parents of persons with deafness and deafblindness.
– Content Creation: Writing books, manuals, and other educational materials.
– Fundraising: Managing online fundraising efforts.
– Accounting: Assisting with annual accounting reports.

**Ways to Support Us Financially**

1. Fixed Monthly Donations: Regular contributions ranging from Rs.300 to Rs.5000 or more are crucial to our work.
2. Donation Boxes: Help us place and manage donation boxes in public spaces such as hotels, airports, malls, and companies.
3. Salary Deductions: Encourage corporate employees to contribute a percentage of their salaries each month.
4. Funding Agencies: Connect us with funding agencies; we can prepare project plans for workshops, advocacy, and targeted assistance.
5. Awareness Campaigns: Collaborate with schools and universities to raise awareness of our rights.
6. Other Ideas: We welcome any other suggestions that could strengthen our cause, especially through social and mainstream media.

**Our Partners**

– World Federation of the Deafblind (WFDB): SEDB is the National Representative.
– Deafblind International (DBI): SEDB is the National Representative.

**Contact Us**

– Lion Sunil Abbas

– Zamir Dhale

– Website:

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